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Ships to Europe in 3-6 days!
Ships to Europe in 3-6 days!

Closing of

17 May 2024
Closing of 😢
Today's news is not one of the fun ones, because after 12 years with, the decision has been made to close the business.
That Unfortunately, we have not succeeded in getting sales to keep up with the development of the business, which is why the possibility of turning into a healthy business seems to have longer prospects than expected.
Therefore, it is no longer possible to continue with the operation, despite the fact that before inflation and the war in Ukraine we felt great growth and demand, which has also created the business we have today.
The market has since changed and has been something that we, as a small private company, have been able to feel.
Therefore, this weekend we will start a clearance sale of our remaining stock.
At the same time, there will be a change in our telephone hours, delivery prices and shipping days, so that we can optimize this last part as much as possible, until 30 June 2024, which will be our last day of operation in Elenas.
During the next week, we will therefore also ask for a little extra understanding, as both these changes, an expected large influx of orders and reduced staff will mean some delays to a start.
However, we expect to turn it around again, so that all orders are dispatched within the same week they are ordered.
And to you, dear customer, follower, supporter, supplier, friend, family or acquaintance...
A HUGE thank you must be given for making what it is today, because even though it is sad news now, there are 12 years ahead where we have enjoyed being able to sell a lot of fantastic products, mainly from Greece.
You have meant much more than you might think, and continue to do so!
Therefore, a big thank you to you!
It must also be said that we are working in parallel with a possible sale of so that you can hopefully continue trading with the new owners, who will take at least as much pride in ensuring a fantastic trade at
Regarding our group trips to Crete, this closure of the shop has no effect on the already sold tickets and possible future trips, as another solution has been found.
For those of you with tickets already, you will be contacted directly for further information within the next few weeks.
Once again, a huge thank you to everyone who has been part of this journey!
Best regards Victor